This major affliction confirms that physical the body is damaged. The consonant is receiving krura vedha from three planets: Mars, Mercury and Saturn, and no benefic vedha. Janma rashi is placed in the fifth bhava, and affliction shows problem related to chita or intelligence. Janma rashi has one krura vedha from the Sun and no benefic vedha. It confirms that person was going trough some relationship problems. Janma tithi has malefic vedha from three malefics: Mars, Mercury, Saturn and one benefic Moon. It confirms that person was worried, confused and proud to make wrong decisions.

In the given example we can see that Janma nakshatra is badly afflicted by Rahu (which is placed in the nakshatra), Mars and Mercury (in this chart Mercury is malefic because of conjunction with Mars) which is also retrograde (hence making Mercury three times stronger malefic). Effects could be graded in correlation with the auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of the transit vedha. Principle: If all given parameters are under the krura vedha, death can be predicted. Janma nakshatra Anurada Rahu, Mars and Merkury Under the malefic vedha brings diseases and bead health.Īn analysis of these points and case studies is given below.įemale born on March 14th 1955 at 2.00 PM IST at Lat: 15 E 51 & Long: 44 N 18. (5) Vowels refer on living prana which connects everything, hence on health matters. (4) Consonants janma consonant show the state of physical body, under the malefic vedha bring losses, bad reputation (3) Janma rashi it refer on happenings in the area which is seen from bhava where janma rashi is placed, under malefic vedha show problem in that area and vice versa (2) Janma tithi it refer on relationships, under the malefic vedha it brings problems in relationships, quarrels and fights (1) Janma nakshatra it refer on quality of though and good judgment/confusion and worries in the case of krura vedha These sensitive points and there meaning is: Using the Sarvatobhadra chakra In the sarvatobhadra chakra, the focus is on sensitive points, which can affect the native in an auspicious or inauspicious manner. (Bharani, Asresha, Vishaka and Shravana) and in first pada of starting nakshatra in new line (Krittika, Magha, Anurada and Dhanishta).ģ Sun ego problems, misunderstandings Mars fights, loss of welth Rahu and Ketu all kinds of troubles and accidents, etc.Ĥ Reference: Sarvatobadra chakra paper by Pt. This raises the first main principle in this chakra:ī) krura graham cause unfavourable vedha.Ĭ) motion of planet is very important, hence retrograde benefic is three times stronger benefic then in direct motion, whilst retrograde malefic is extremely unfavourable,ĭ) Beneficence/bad effects are in correlation with the basic karakatvas of planets3.ġ) Hind vedha, is upper diagonal vedha, considered as specially important (strong) when its caused by retrograde (retrograde) planet Ģ) Across vedha, is horizontal vedha, considered as specially important when planet is in stationary motion ģ) Fore vedha, is lower diagonal vedha, considered as specially important in case of planet in direct motion Ĥ) Corner vedha, is formed when planet is placed in last pada of last nakshatra in line i.e. That also mean that vedha has good and bad aspect which depends from the fact is it caused by malefic or benefic planet. and it refers on the ability of graha, which causes vedha, to put some field of life under his influence. Main tool for judging the results in this chakra is called Vedha.

It is believed that the use of the Sarvatobadra chakra in muhurta grants success!ġ Hari, the God sits here, the One who sustain us all! 2 Reference: Sarvatobadra chakra by Sanjay Rath.

Thus right interpretation of janma nakshatra, day, tithi and other points will benefit astrologer in various aspects of this divine knowledge! It is one of the best tools for judging effects of graha gochara but it is also very useful in judging natal chart positions and in muhurta carts. In four squares which form a perfect pyramid, astrologer (beside nakshatra) can see all consonants, rashis, tithis and days. This is the primary chakra which takes into account 28 nakshatras, (so Abhijit nakshatra also1). Beneficence of this particular chakra is seen from many points. Introduction to Sarvatobhadra chakra Sarva means all, and bhadra means auspicious, thus it is the most auspicious chakra which takess all into account.